Friday, December 2, 2016

The Reptile in Our Brain

See how that angry red eye opens, then closes?

A flash of morse code winks coordinates.

The tail of a fox moves rhythmically in the road ditch ahead.

We close the distance.

A cell phone tower blinks mechanically.

Only rainwater on a spider web woven in the branches of a spruce.

Just the wind anxiously inflating a tattered plastic grocery bag

hopelessly twisted in the dried stalks of dead milkweed in the ditch.

Color drains back into the dawn and

The kodachromatic slideshow in the rec room sharpens

into the high definition insistence on veracity.

So the mundane march continues

until the elemental charge of the scrape of a bear's claw

on the yellow vinyl siding outside the living room window at night.

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